
TEE - Basic Views & terminology

(From TEE for CHD Ed. by Wong PC & Miller-Hance WC. Springer-Verlag 2014)

(Click on the image to enlarge)

TEE - Probe position terminology

(Click on the image to enlarge)

Transesophageal echocardiography - Terminology of probe positions.
(From TEE for CHD. Ed. by Wong PC &Miller-Hance WC. Springer-Verlag 2014)


VSD enlargement (Surgery)

To enlarge the VSD without causing AV block...

D-loop ventricles - Raise the roof (Enlarge VSD in anterior-superior direction)
L-loop ventricles - Lower the floor (Enlarge VSD in posterior-inferior direction)

Without injuring the aortic valve in the process!